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Selectmen Minutes 02/03/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 3, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Department Heads present: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Gil Vien, Fire Chief , Alan Quimby, Deputy Fire Chief; Steve Stock, Forest Warden; Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, and Carolee Davison, Treasurer

Budget Committee members present: Lucille Noel, Lisa Drouse, Norm Larochelle, Jason Weir, John Martell, Scott Martson, and Bruce Dyke

Others present: Moderator Doug Hall and twenty members of the general public.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Chairman DeBold explained to the body that this was a regularly scheduled Selectmenís meeting at which a public hearing is to take place to discuss the 2008 proposed budget and warrant articles and turned the meeting over to the moderator to begin the public hearing at 7:05pm.

Mr. Hall began with introductions from the head table and a brief poll of the members expounding on the amount of time spent on the budget process.

Chairman DeBold presented a brief overview of the process that began in September with a directive to the departments, boards and committees to prepare a flat line budget, with the exception of the police department that now contains the purchase of a cruiser. Last year the town was fortunate to purchase the cruiser from revenues received as a result of the Route 4 construction project.  Both the Selectmen and the BC agreed to a COLA increase in light of the economic situation, of 3.5% for employees, slightly lower than the Social Security Administrations percentage of 5.8%, a benchmark used to establish the COLA in years past, however this year; it must be inclusive of the flat line amount and not in addition to.  

Chairman DeBold complimented the Department Heads for following the directive, and referred to the result of a trim budget as evidenced on the last page of the spreadsheet, a decrease of the operating budget of 2.36%, or $40,441.00.  The budget is reflective of the economic climate.  Finally, Chairman DeBold discussed the handout that reflected the tax rate in a pie chart, emphasizing that the town rate is just a small portion of the overall tax rate.

Moderator Hall informed the body that he would be working off the subtotals for each department as represented on the detailed spreadsheet, then discuss revenues as listed on the MS-6 and finish up with the warrant articles that contain appropriations listed on the warrant.

Points of interest throughout the operating budget review included, executive salaries, increase in building inspection, highway totals proposing less than last year actual, the library increase is attributed to an increase in hours worked by the librarian.  Mr. Kenneally pointed out that the highway budget is down by $52,000.

Discussion moved to the warrant articles.  The repair work needed on the Depot Street Bridge is due to eroding concrete.  This bridge was constructed approximately twenty years ago so citing the contractor for defective material is unlikely but will be looked into.

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BOS minutes
February 3, 2009

A sampling of questions included-

Why the Selectmen had not recommended the Deer Meadow Road article, and why the BC had.
The Selectmen stated their reason was the concern over the tax impact, the Board wanted to present a zero tax impact this year.  Bruce Dyke, chairman of the BC, stated the committeeís reasoning was that they were concerned with the tax impact as well but wanted to keep close to the Road Advisory Committeeís overall road plan and felt that Deer Meadow was salvageable at this point, putting the job off, only costs more later.

Neither group was in favor of recommending the reclaiming and repaving of Canterbury Road.  The Road Agent explained what reclaiming a road meant.

Why are the articles on the warrant if not recommended by the Board?
Selectman MacCleery stated that it is his opinion that all articles submitted by a Department Head should be listed on the warrant, allowing them to get to the floor for discussion at town meeting.  Selectman Jordan stated his opinion that the Road Agent has a plan for the roads and he should be able to go to the town meeting with that plan.  Mr. Kenneally stated he appreciates the Selectmen putting the articles on the warrant and that his plan includes paving two miles of road every year.  There are twenty miles of road in town.  A resident questioned whether there was a report from the RAC this year.  Chairman DeBold replied yes.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the RAC has been lax this year but in the past worked very hard to develop a plan for the roads.  Mr. Kenneally finished by stating he has put forth what he feels is the best for the roads.

Does the town look at ìgreenî products?
Yes, the highway tries as much as possible to use green products, in fact using crushed glass from the BCEP Solid Waste District, on the build up of a portion of Hilliard Road, saved the town in the range of $40,000 - $50,000.

Are raises annual, did employees get a raise last year?  Yes.  Chairman DeBold shared results of a phone survey comparing COLAís from surrounding towns and towns within the same demographics and stated this COLA is in line with those results.  

        Are salaries in line with the surrounding towns?  Yes. Jason Weir shared results from his research on salary comparisons utilizing the data compiled in the Wage, Salary and Benefits book published by the Local Government Center on an annual basis.

Projected revenues were reviewed.  

Moderator Hall concluded the public hearing at 9:10pm.


A final review of the Road Agent Wage Classification Scale took place.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, to adopt the 2009 Road Agent Wage Classification Scale as presented.  All were in favor, motion passes.

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BOS minutes
February 3, 2009

The Board discussed the invoice for the repair work on the International as a result of an accident when the truck hit the expansion joint on the Depot Road Bridge.  This accident has not been reported to the insurance carrier and was approved for payment through the highway budget expenditures.  The Board directed Lisa to contact the insurance company to discuss the possibility of reporting after the fact.

The Board discussed what procedure should be followed to purchase additional winter sand due to the passing of the current vendor.  The Board would like to discuss this situation with the Road Agent and directed Lisa to inform Mr. Kenneally not to purchase any additional sand without first discussing with the Board.   

The minutes of January 27, 2009 were approved as corrected.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.   

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:15PM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Corrected
Administrator                                                                           2/10/09

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan